Dear Parents of Juniors:

On Tuesday, March 12, 2024, Juniors across the state will be taking the ACT.  The Juniors at Winter High School have been preparing for this test all year with test prep and hard work in their classes.  To help them have a successful testing environment, the freshman, sophomores, and seniors will have a virtual day.

Juniors should arrive at school by 7:45.  They will meet in the guidance office for breakfast and check-in.  Testing will begin at 8:00.  The ACT testing has several parts and will take about four hours for the Juniors to complete.  After the test, students with available excused days (the state allows ten per year), may leave with a note from their parents.  

For more information about the ACT:

Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors should make sure to log on to Google Classroom, check email, and complete their work for the day.


Shana Lindquist

4K-12 Principal